The Right Time for the First Bra

I am often asked "When is the right time for my tween or teen daughter to start wearing a bra?"

If you or your daughter are starting to wonder about getting that first bra, you both are likely questioning if now is the right time. This is an important step for girls. Some are excited about the process of growing up, while others feel a little anxious.

Physical Changes Have Started 

As young girls blossom into women, there are a lot of big changes. This can lead to some heavy questions and awkward situations, but it doesn’t have to. The average age a young girl gets her first bra is 11. It can be earlier or later. Heredity, the quality of her diet, weight, and hormones all contribute to breast development.

Some girls develop quickly, while others start to bud as young as 8 or 9 years old. If your daughter has shown signs, and would feel more confident in a bra, than it is a perfect time to get started.

She Needs One For Support 

Some girls grow into women and never require much support for their breasts.  A supportive bra may be a necessity for comfort and confidence. Most women want extra support when they exercise or play sports. Other choose to go bra-less for a number of reasons throughout their lives.

If your daughter has a larger chest, a supportive bra may be a necessity. For some girls, this can happen while they are still in elementary school. Remember, they will mature at their own pace, and that’s perfect.


She Wants One
Puberty is a complicated time. Some are eager to grow up, some are scared. Even if your daughter's body isn't ready yet, there may be a few reasons that she wants a bra. 

Adolescents compare themselves to their friends and siblings. If she has older sisters with bras, or she heard her schoolmates talk about  bra shopping, she can feel left out. This is perfectly normal, and a great time to get her that first bra.  

It Can Simply be Time

Ultimately, it may depend on her physical reality. If she is showing signs of discomfort or expresses that she wants more coverage, then it is the right time for her first bra. If it makes her feel more confident or comfortable, then it makes sense for her to wear one.

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